Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Why come to church this Sunday? January 29, 2012 To learn about healing and love

Why come to church this Sunday, January 29, 2012?
to go where love leads and to serve where love calls
 These are the purposes of the New England synod; let’s make them our own at Ascension!

Where we will be called by love we don’t know. But neither did Jesus. Life kept happening to him, and he responded. Isn’t that the same for us?

The Gospel text for this Sunday (Mark 1:21-28) is an exorcism; Jesus’ power prevails against death and disease. Today, we think of psychological or emotional illness as the equivalent of demon possession and are grateful for all healers, including ourselves. God is not neutral about wanting abundant life for all humanity and God’s good creation! Even though we still struggle against all that diminishes life, the Power of Love and Life is ultimately the strongest truth.

Where are you called to love and serve? Come and understand yourself and the world more deeply and find encouragement to love. Come to church this Sunday! We welcome you.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Are you more loving or judging? Find out by coming to church this Sunday; January 22, 2012

Jonah and the Whale, Phillip Ratner, 1998. The Safad Bible, Israel Bible Museum.

Weekly meditation texts:
“And Jesus said, Follow me.” (Mark 1:17) or ‘Satisfy all our thirst with your living water, Jesus Christ.” …(Thanksgiving at the Font, V, Evangelical Lutheran Worship, p. 71

Sometimes we confuse moral judgments, important as they may be, with love, grace, and compassion. Growing spiritually really means that we judge less and love more.

The sermon title this week is: “What Jonah didn’t understand about water: Or How Jonah came to his senses to see how judgment is worthless without love.”

I got a lot out of reading the very short, four chapter book of Jonah this week. It's funny and very serious. It leads to questions like: how are you self-righteous? Where in your life do you need God’s love and grace?

During the childrens’ sermon, we’ll place the peace pinwheels we made last week into a “flower” box to decorate the church through Epiphany, reminding us of the hopes for peace.

See you Sunday!
Blessings, Pr. Nancy

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Why Come to Church Martin Luther King Sunday?

Why Come to Church this Sunday?

Weekly Meditation Text: “Lord you have searched me out; O Lord, you have known me.”

To consider how God’s love compels us to create the beloved community! The church is to exemplify a beloved community, based in intimate “knowing” of ourselves and others, mutual respect, and compassion. And we have few better mentors than The Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. He is one of the great lovers, described in James Fowler’s stages of faith, as a person of universalizing faith.  ( Come to a beloved community, to help one another grow in insight, justice, and radical love. Sunday school class will design pinwheels for peace, to which the adult parishioners will contribute. Rachel Stampul will update us on her ministry to create the next generation of peacemakers.

Blessings, Pr. Nancy

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Why come to chuch this Sunday? January 8, 2012 The Baptism of Our Lord

Quote for the week: You are my beloved!

Do you feel beloved? Because of our baptisms, we are children of God, beloved by God.
“For in Christ Jesus, you are all children of God through faith.”

This Sunday celebrates the baptism of Jesus. Even though he was baptized as an adult, and we have just celebrated his birth, we celebrate this ancient feast on this day. Why? Because we as Christians are born again in baptism and in daily life as Christians.

Why come to church this Sunday? To feel and experience God’s love through the beloved community of the church. What a great way to start the new year!

Faithfully, Pr. Nancy